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The Grand Priest is the most powerful of all the Angels, which makes him more powerful than even the Gods of Destruction to whom the Angels serve. Zeno is presented as a very short, childlike being with a large lemon-shaped head, round eyes, small rounded grey ears and a friendly demeanor which gives him an innocent and harmless appearance. Zeno simply is power itself. The grand priest created the world of void fron nothing and was able to instantly disable flying, - The grand priest can manipulate time and so can all his children, - if the zenos were the all powerful ruler of all, THEN why did the grand priest need to create the zenos a god pad to keep up with the action in the tournament. In chapter 28 of the Dragon Ball Super Manga and episode 81 of the Dragon Ball animation series, the Grand Priest, one of Zenos attendants, revealed that Zenos In the ancient literature, Demeas is described as an marketplace merchant from Citium, which is a Phoenician port city located in modern day Cyprus. DBH Zeno and Grand Priest don't have any feat because they are too OP, that's why these two guys are side characters. Against such a savage warrior as Broly, to falter even for an instant, even at Jirens level, could mean a crushing defeat. Zeno believed the only way to inner peace was through understanding and acceptance of ones fate, whatever it may be. Data can be used to build or improve user experience, systems and software; provide customized ads. by Grimlock Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:47 pm, Post These guys are there to make sure that no strong fighters attempt to take out Zeno, as in By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As the king of all universes, he possesses unequaled and unrivaled power and authority in the multiverse. Zeno is not really a fighter he simply like a spoiled kid with a lot of power as a god of destruction. This is because the angels need to keep an eye on the god of destruction of their respective universes, as they may get out of control and use their power wrongly. Furthermore, his power is rumored to surpass that of Gods of Destruction, rendering him almost impossible to defeat in battle. Although Goku is strong, he knows better than to pick up a fight with someone he can't ever defeat. Is the Grand Priest STRONGER than ZENO? - YouTube GTO Review: What Happened to Eikichi Onizuka? While Zeno has a great deal of power, there are other characters, such as the Grand Priest, Beerus and Whis, and the Hakaishin who are even more powerful. He is presented as one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Chizitere is a writer and editor with over five years of experience in producing articles on various subjects. Unlike his canon counterpart, this Grand Priest is unbound by Angel law, overseeing all events across all timelines, and acts as a bridge between the Dragon Ball multiverse and Beats Real World. His teachings are still studied and practiced today. He exists on his own scale which itself overrides the entirety of the "Battle Power" based scale that everyone generally uses. grand priest Despite their power, they are bound by laws that prevent them from directly fighting threats such as Moro. 2. Ice-cold is an understatement. Zeno has no real combat skills. - YouTube. In short, Zeno was undoubtedly a powerful figure and one of the most influential thinkers of his time. Remember the whole 18 universes thing? Grand Priest is featless. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So when Zeno first appears in the series, he is referred to as the Omni King as he is the strongest being in the multiverse at that time. Satisfy Your Curiosity, Live Life To The Fullest, All Goku Forms Guide: A Look at His New, Strongest, and Final Forms. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 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Yes. Zeno 1. Grand Priest The whole thing with Zen-Oh is this immense, unstoppable force that can do whatever it wants. Its likely stalemate Or demigra easily wins this, Anyways Demigra deletes the entire history of zeno and lol stomps the poor child. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In this case, its the Angels, who are beings very high on the totem pole in the Multiverse, and their main job is to offer guidance to the Gods of Destruction such as Giin and, yes, Zeno. And on top of all of them sits the Grand Priest. @cromulor: I know it's a year later but DBH characters are way above DBS. Grand Priest is most probably stronger than Zeno. Grand Priest is Stronger than Zeno : r/dragonball - reddit by GodVegetto91 Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:55 pm, Post i think demigra may have a massive edge because he probably already knows who zeno is. Of course, when you look at everything available, there is no character in Dragon Ball that can defeat Zeno, aka the King Of All. Yes It is true that the Grand Priest surpasses Zeno. He founded the Stoic school of philosophy which was heavily based on the Cynic teachings, though he also developed and expanded upon their ideas. Who is the creator of dbz? Explained by Sharing Culture Whis says that the Grand Priest is one of the top 5 But apparently, I was wrong, and there are not one but multiple characters like the Grand Priest that can just Thanos Snap Goku out of existence if they wished? Zeno the Omni-King is said to be the strongest character in all of Dragon Ball because of his INSANE destruction powers, being According to Whis, Grand Priest is one of the top five most powerful beings in the multiverse; its stated that even Whis, who has been training Goku and Vegeta throughout Dragon Ball Super s storyline, pales in comparison to the power of the Grand Priest. But Zeno is on a Beyond Multiverse Level of Power, I believe it but theres nothing to confirm it. Forum Rules. It's sucks that these two are side characters but money wise it makes sense, lol. Both Zeno and Future Zen-oh possess the ability to erase universes and can manipulate space and time. That alone doesn't mean he can beat Sonic. It is also strongly implied that he is the strongest angel, as Whis himself, the most powerful being in Universe 7, openly admits that even his power is nothing compared to the Grand Priest. Additionally, with the introduction of Dragon Ball Super, the power levels of characters have steadily increased over time, with some of the most powerful characters having only recently been introduced. He has absolute control over time, space, and reality and can rewrite any situation or timeline as he wishes. How do you write a good story in Smash Bros screening? Scaling Heroes to Super is almost impossible since there are too many forms of it. So there is absolutely no chance that Beerus can beat Whis. Should Dragon Ball Super fun long enough, its entirely possible Goku (and Vegeta) will fight Whis but definitely dont expect him to win or put up a serious fight unless Goku does some crazy training over the next few years. This suggests that the Grand Priest is a worthy opponent to Zeno if at all he cannot defeat him. How can anyone think Demigra even has a chance here. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) is a magical girl with the ability to rewrite the laws of the universe. He is a deity and ruler of the Dragon World. Demigra is weaker than Beerus. Goku is a truly powerful being, many times more powerful than several gods in his own universe. Which is more powerful nature or nurture? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Who are the six people said to be stronger than the Grand Priest? 2. Unfortunately, not much is known about the parents of Omni-King Zeno. But to be fair, the Grand The only way he dies is if he violates one of his own rules as Angel. Therefore, it is impossible to beat Zeno because the arguments of his paradox are philosophically sound, and cant be logically argued against. Originally there were 18 universes, but six of them got destroyed, so now, there remain 13. No, Zeno is not the grand priests son. Cool stuff that I upload here because Youtube will copyright claim it: Observing at the intra-universal level, the god of the universe is found to be weaker than the respective angel of that universe. Still it's quite impressive, especially since that dragon can grant. In the Dragon Ball Super, Zeno erased Universe 9, Universe 10, Universe 2, Universe 6, and Universe 4 for losing in the tournament of power. Is Komi Cant Communicate Anime Canceled and Where Can You Watch It? Zeno may just be something of a figurehead put in place by the angels, or at least they're the ones really running the show. He also used his erasure ability to destroy Zamasu from existence even though Zamasu had merged with the multiverse itself. WebThe Grand Priest is glad that the Kings are enjoying themselves, but he needs to make the stage more durable next time. Zeno was highly influential in his approach to ethics, logic, and natural law. Omni-King, Zeno has the ability to teleport himself to any location in the multiverse. His powers are on a completely different level to any other character in the series, though it is hinted that he may be surpassed by the actions of Jiren in the Tournament of Power. He has virtually unlimited potential because of his Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct forms, but these forms are only temporary and he is not always able to access them. However, that doesnt mean the Grand Priest is the strongest being in existence, as there are two characters who could beat him. This is spite. 1 Strongest: Kale. In the Tournament of Power arc, the Grand Priest is shown to possess the ability to eradicate beings from existence. Despite being on the same level in terms of power, the impulsive nature of Future Zen-oh makes him more dangerous, and he may be capable of defeating the current Zeno in a battle. Beerus, Whis and Zen-Oh are some of the highest-ranking gods in the series, with Beerus being a god of destruction, Whis being his teacher, and Zen-Oh being the supreme ruler of all existences. Ok listen, So obviously Grand Zeno is like God and he Controls and destroys planets and universes cuz he owns the Multi-Verse which makes him strong but not fighting-wise as in the power he holds is usually not used against people (not counting the participants in the tournament of power) but destruction of tons of microcosms and he's literally just a spoiled kid who has the power far beyond the gods kinda like your run-of-the-mill spoiled kid who's usually childish and baby-ish and has power and not like energy and that type of stuff I mean Money. This wasnt even up for debate; Zeno is just too untouchable as he is right now. Zeno was a powerful figure in his day, a respected teacher who influenced a large number of his contemporaries, including the well-known philosopher Epicurus. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. The Cynic philosophy taught a quite strict lifestyle of moral and physical restraint, with the main emphasis being on living in a simple and austere manner.