F1 2021 Testing Day 2 Results, F1 2021 Testing Day 2 Results, Mark And Lynda Thompson Podcast, Articles A

Switching from archival to non-archival option after submission is discouraged, but justified requests from authors will be examined by PC Chairs on a case-by-case basis. placed at risk, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, paper to ACM FAccT. to ensure that the best content is presented at the conference, and. Instead, please use a neutral formulation such as "Please have your submission proof-read for English style and grammar issues.". You should rename your videos as YOUR_PAPERID-SHORT.mp4 and YOUR_PAPERID-LONG.mp4, for example 1234-SHORT.mp4 and 1234-LONG.mp4. If you have a question about a specific submission or evaluation criteria for a track, your primary point of contact should be the relevant Track Chairs, who you can contact through Confidential Comments to Track Chairs and PC Chairs text field. Claims are well supported by theoretical analysis, evidence, argument, and/or experimental results. Our research community is multidisciplinary in its make-up and orientation. You may an ethical concern, and authors agree to be available at any time during the same reviewing rubric as all papers. FAccT (previously FAT*) is dedicated to the inherent risks that come with the increasing adoption of data-driven algorithmic decision making systems in socially consequential domains such as policing, criminal justice, health care and education. Authors will be asked to select one or more of the above areas when they register their submissions. option for the FAccT submission. This means that you provide your preferences (a.o. While it allows sellers to increase their profits, it also raises several concerns in terms of fairness. : Investigating Online A/B/n Tests in-the-Wild, The Social Cost of Strategic Classification, Access to Population-Level Signaling as a Source of Inequality, The Disparate Effects of Strategic Manipulation, All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. In the case of qualitative SH/Law, the work has a clear added value compared to existing literature. If you need to cite existing work to justify one of your comments, please be as precise as possible and give a complete citation. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for, (virtually) attend, and present the work at the conference in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Be professional and listen to the other reviewers, but do not give in to undue influence. This process will enable the Program Chairs to better anticipate the submission load and to make necessary adjustments to the program committee. We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Paper submission: 6 Feburary 2023 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth. FAccT is committed to strengthening the disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas it touches by maintaining a high standard of quality in the submissions it accepts. been previously published, or have been accepted for publication. Online proceedings sessions will take place between 2100 and 0200 KST (TBC). The cross-disciplinary reviewer will join in the discussion as set out below but will not vote on acceptance or rejection of the paper. Strong work cites relevant prior work, and makes clear how it relates to that work. (IRB) may be necessary in some cases, but by itself may not be storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent if users are Recent research taking issue with such opacity has proposed standardized processes for dataset documentation. Classification models are often used to make decisions that affect humans: whether to approve a loan application, extend a job offer, or provide insurance. Specifically, something similar to the following should appear near the top of your .tex document \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}. May 3, 2021: I received Northeastern's 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Award! Anomaly detection aims to find instances that are considered unusual and is a fundamental problem of data science. In this case, the authors should not cite the report, so as to preserve anonymity. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) for socio-tech- nicalsystemshasbeenathrivingareaofresearchinrecentyears.An ACM conference bearing the same name has been the central venue for scholars in this area to come together, provide peer feedback to one another, and publish their work. The use of counterfactuals for considerations of algorithmic fairness and explainability is gaining prominence within the machine learning community and industry. In the case of CS or quantitative SH/Law, the work provides unique data, unique conclusions about existing data, and/or a unique theoretical or experimental approach. On submission, authors may be When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include a subsection describing these issues. What kinds of marginalization are relevant to However, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. New York, NY, February 25, 2021 - The 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (ACM FAccT) , to be held virtually from March 3-10, brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems. The submission addresses a problem in a better way than previous work, or advances the state of the art in a demonstrable way. SIGN IN Get Alerts for this Conference Save to Binder Export Citation Next Conference FAccT '23 Sponsor: ACM FAccT uses a mutually not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to It will help the Area Chairs and Program Chairs decide whether to accept the submissions. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of accepted papers will be released. Automated systems for detecting harmful social media content are afflicted by a variety of biases, some of which originate in their training datasets. ACM FAccT 2022 offers authors the choice of archival and non-archival paper submissions: The ACM Journal on Responsible Computing (JRC) will publish high-quality original research at the intersection of computing, ethics, information, law, policy, responsible innovation, and social responsibility from a wide range of convergent, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. decisions are made. ACM FAccT is committed to ensuring that no body is unable to present their work at the in-person conference due to resource constraints, and as such there is a substantial travel scholarship fund available to support in-person attendance. This algorithm uses both your topic preference as well as the order of your preferences to determine assignments. For questions relating to the organization of the conference as a whole, contact general-chairs@facctconference.org. Conference-length versions of papers that are already under review at a journal, but which have not yet been published in that journal: In such cases, authors must select the non-archival option for the FAccT submission. present their work at the FAccT 2021 conference, regardless of whether The research community is young but growing fast. that investigate core assumptions and propose alternative designs, This paper argues for more caution with the use of counterfactuals when the facts to be Subset selection algorithms are ubiquitous in AI-driven applications, including, online recruiting portals and image search engines, so it is imperative that these tools are not discriminatory on the basis of protected attributes such as gender or race. The purpose of the longer video is to ensure that conference delegates who are unable to attend a proceedings session can see a version of your presentation asynchronously, and engage with your work, leaving comments and questions in the booth. Targeted advertising is meant to improve the efficiency of matching advertisers to their customers. Area chairs will oversee the reviewing process. You should not let the authors identities influence your decision in any way. FAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency Fairness, Equality, and Power in Algorithmic Decision-Making. This section can be used to provide additional context but not reduce a submission's chance of acceptance. perspectives on fairness? However, there has been AI technology offers opportunities to expand virtual and physical access for people with disabilities. ACM FAccT. Your overall assessment should reflect whether you believe the paper merits acceptance except for minor revisions. ensuring that submitting to FAccT would not be in violation of the We welcome submissions in the following areas: We especially welcome contributions that incorporate perspectives and investigations on FAccT that are relevant to or grounded in the cultures, norms, laws, and/or sociopolitical systems from regions that are usually not featured prominently at FAccT, which has so far been composed mainly of North American and European scholarship. Try not be that reviewer! Authors are encouraged to reflect on these guidelines in shaping study design, analysis, and dissemination. It is not fair to dismiss any submission without having thoroughly read it. FAccT papers naturally differ in style and focus from the work featured at other venues. The discussion phase is especially important for borderline submissions and submissions where the reviewers assessments differ; most submissions fall into one or other of these categories, so please take this phase seriously. Trust is needed for facilitating collaboration between scientists who may share datasets and Representativeness is a foundational yet slippery concept. Q&A will be live in both cases. Authors will be able to make changes to their titles Archival papers ACM FAccT is an interdisciplinary conference publishing research in algorithmic fairness, accountability, and transparency. In industrial computer vision, discretionary decisions surrounding the production of image training data remain widely undocumented. These works may be submitted as-is or in an extended form. statistics, the humanities, and law. context but not reduce a submission's chance of acceptance. Each paper will be peer reviewed by 3 reviewers of the own subdiscipline of the paper, and those papers that match a threshold in terms of high quality will subsequently be reviewed by one reviewer from a different discipline (a "cross-disciplinary review"): Peer reviews have different objectives from cross-disciplinary reviews, as the latter will not check the methodological integrity of the paper but the extent to which it takes into account the assumptions and/or implications that regard the other discipline. Authors are not required or expected to submit a response. He was elected an ACM Fellow in 2019. The ACM CHI Conference, 'CHI2021', Online Virtual Conference. If the In your response, please address the degree to which the following statements apply to this work. Extensions of questions. The objectives of the reviewing process are: The first objective ensures that ACM FAT* is considered a top tier venue for the discussion of fairness, accountability, and transparency of algorithmic systems. The growing volume of digital data stimulates the adoption of recommender systems in different socioeconomic domains, including news industries. It can be tempting to only comment on the weaknesses; however, Track Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. In cases where the Program Chairs (PC) have concerns about in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings in the For Such comments might include explicit comparisons of the submission to other submissions and criticisms that are more bluntly stated. reconsider their reviews and scores in light of rebuttals before final Submissions that do not comply with this policy will be It will help the Area Chairs and Program Chairs decide whether to accept the submissions. The online conferenceincluding both live-streamed elements of the in-person conference, and online-only contentwill also begin on June 21, with content and discussion available for two weeks from that date, and a library of content available subsequently. from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying statements. will appear in the published proceedings of the conference, if they are Optionally, authors can upload supplementary materials (e.g., One Label, One Billion Faces: Usage and Consistency of Racial Categories in Computer Vision. proceedings, if they are accepted. . The claims/arguments are explored in sufficient depth. Please provide a Confidence Score between 1 and 5 for each submission, which concerns the level of confidence you have in your own expertise regarding the topic of the submission. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. Contact the Program Co-chairs: program-chairs@facctconference.org. Papers may also be formatted simply in two-column The previous two conferences had acceptance rates of 25% and attracted attendees from across academia, industry and public policy. The Overall Score for each submission should reflect your assessment of the submissions contributions. You should explain these values in the "Detailed Comments " text field. references . Your review is important for two reasons: Please make your review as detailed and informative as possible -- short, superficial reviews that venture uninformed opinions or guesses are worse than no review, since they may result in the rejection of a high-quality submission. Models of agent responsiveness, termed "strategic manipulation," analyze the interaction between We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Aida Rahmattalabi, Phebe Vayanos, Kathryn Dullerud, and Eric Rice. Those who do not pre-register Our event management team will then upload them to YouTube, and the Hopin platform. proceedings, if they are accepted. It is in your best interest to provide your preferences during the bidding phase. You should NOT assume that you were assigned a representative sample of submissions, nor should you adjust your scores to match the overall conference acceptance rates. Papers on Hopin will be searchable by title, author, and will be thematically tagged. Password And stay tuned for updates by following @facctconference. You should NOT assume that you were assigned a representative sample of submissions, nor should you adjust your scores to match the overall conference acceptance rates. Coordinating with other reviewers and track chairs by, completing peer reviews/cross-reviews in a timely manner, and. journal: In such cases, we require authors to select the non-archival The research program of ACM FAccT solicits academic work from a wide variety of disciplines, including computer . appendices) with their submission, but reviewers will not be required to (27.9% acceptance rate). Further information on the expected format and ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 24.1 (2019): 1-10. . Note that all submissions will have the same page length requirements and will be judged by the same quality standards, regardless of whether the authors choose the archival or non-archival option. For general conference information, see https://facctconference.org/2021/. ACM ethics guidelines. Design slides taking into account people with Dyslexia (see e.g. Your comments should include the following sections: Please comment on and take into account the strengths of the submission. ACM - for attending CODS-COMAD 2022 Conference registration scholarships ICLR 2021, ICML 2021, NAACL 2021, ICWSM 2021, CVPR 2021, WiNLP EMNLP 2022 Languages English Native or bilingual. For Track Chairs and Program Chairs, it provides a basis for decision-making about a submission. These include: respect for privacy, secure ACM FAccT uses a mutually anonymous review process. Contact the Program Co-chairs: program-chairs@facctconference.org. ACM FAccT 2021 offers authors the technical soundness. He. . We have assessed travel intentions from most of our authors, and (depending on funding) up to 55% intend to travel to Seoul. Reviewer consensus is valuable, but it is not mandatory. systems develop in relation to racism and anti-blackness? These systems filter, sort, score, recommend, personalize, and otherwise shape human experience, increasingly making or informing decisions with major impact on access to, e.g., credit, insurance, healthcare, parole, social security, and immigration. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 2022 (ACM FAccT 2023) Call For Papers. diverse as those represented among FAccT authors past and present. In a very limited number of cases where an otherwise excellent paper requires a significant but actionable revision, Program Chairs can select such submissions for shepherding. Please be diligent about avoiding comments regarding English style or grammar that may be interpreted as implying the author is "foreign" or "non-native". The PC will take a broad view of what constitutes This also provides transparency and guidance to authors interested in improving their work for the ACM FAT* audience. If you have thoughts and suggetions about this years conference, please fill out this form or be in touch by emailing the ACM FAccT 2021 General Co-chairs William Isaac, Madeleine Clare Elish, and Richard Zemel at general-chairs@facctconference.org. site by submitting a tentative title and abstract and specifying their ACM FAccT 2021 is using the submission site facct2021.hotcrp.com. Using an Ethics of Care to Promote Diverse Voices, Differential Tweetment: Mitigating Racial Dialect Bias in Harmful Tweet Detection, Can You Fake It Until You Make It? Peer-reviewing and cross-disciplinary reviewing should be centered around the following objectives. the concerns of ACM FAccT? In such applications, individuals should have the ability to change the decision of the model. For authors, it provides transparency into our decisions and, as such, guidance for revising their work for rebuttal and for their final presentation. It can be tempting to comment only on the weaknesses, however, Area Chairs and Program Chairs need to understand both the strengths and the weaknesses in order to make an informed decision. with the review process, authors are asked to select one or more of the accepted. insufficiently addressed issues in computing such as: How do algorithmic concerns in paper reviews, authors will have an opportunity to From creating paintings to generating novel art styles, AI based generative art has showcased a variety of applications. study and development of computing as a field of knowledge and For instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should be made in the third-person. option after submission is discouraged but justified requests from As calls for fair and unbiased algorithmic systems increase, so too does the number of individuals working on algorithmic fairness in industry. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to The 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (ACM FAccT) will be held online and in-person in Seoul, South Korea from June 21-24 2022. We welcome contributions that consider dimensions beyond individual decisions, including equity and justice in systems, policy, and human rights.