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Its hard to do it justice in a small paragraph here, but the PBS space-time episode on it gives a good explanation. But scientists have also believed rain can erode a landscape quickly enough to essentially suck the rocks out of the Earth, effectively pulling mountains up very quickly. Google is famous for its "20 percent time," the rough percentage of time that employees can dedicate to ancillary endeavors, research interests, or new ideas. It's actually what inspired Galileo to make such an assertion about gravity. 4. The counter-intuitive example that comes to mind for me deals with percents. These ideas, be it physics or biology . Our universe's spacetime is flat, not the universe itself. ( kantrntjutv) adj. It's just something that's easy to observe in a real experiment because the enthalpy of fusion is much greater than the enthalpy of heating (for a lack of a better term). Sometimes different people having different ideas; sometimes the same person having different ideas at different times. There's a whole lot about water we are still just learning now, and a lot of (fairly important) properties it has that are shared by only a few other substances in special circumstances. (Military) intelligence collected about enemy espionage. Bell's theorem and general quantum weirdness. The temperature will stay constant while the liquid solidifies. Science itself is counterintuitive. Melting sodium thiosulfate crystals, then cooling them to a state well below the melting point causes the supercooled liquid to freeze rapidly when a crystal of sodium thiosulfate is added, or the mixture is stirred. 4. The intuitive part points to the fact that when we label something counterintuitive, we are usually not talking about contradicting a formal, well-specified theory. But if, after the experiment, you go back and erase the information about which slit each photon went through, then the interference pattern magically appears on the screen. This is experimentally shown. Whatever the cause of this early wave of extinctions, humans are driving modern extinctions by hunting, destroying habitat, introducing invasive species and inadvertently spreading diseases. Is this theoretical or can one make an experiment to show this effect? Sprinkle a little salt over the ice, and watch the temperature. PBS space time on the quantum eraser https://youtu.be/8ORLN_KwAgs. (Very long termthe study is now enrolling the grandchildren of the original volunteers.) When we heard that Barack Obama had chosen to sleep on his decision to authorize the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, we were pleasantly . You should sit in meditation every day unless you are too busy. What importance does counterintuitive play in our real life? 1.A schematic representation of the weighted fusion of evidence is shown in Fig. Special relativity, then, is a perfectly reasonable and elegent way to formalize this notion. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In the stock market, if you buy and stock for $50 and it goes up to $75 you make 50%. Place a thermometer in a test tube of cyclohexane so that its scale remains visible from 0oC upwards. You need some fancy equipment, like a thing that makes a cohesive beam of photons and a thing that splits a cohesive beam of photons, but other than that its not impossible to do in your home lab. So the intuitive in counterintuitive could refer to the intuitions of experts. The definition of counterintuitive is something that goes against what you believe would be logical or something that goes against common sense. This might occur in instances where intuition changes with knowledge. Some temperature changes are counter-intuitive, as can be shown by simple investigations. Clamp the tube in a beaker of ice and water. More dangerous than defying common sense, though, was Galileos defiance of the Catholic Church. What is the meaning of counterintuitive science? And the hot water freezing faster than cold water isn't a real effect. It's a macroscopic effect of quantum mechanics. It made Einstein furious. Without science education and discipline, most biological minds rely on belief systems to explain phenomena. Truly brilliant examples from mathematics about why repeated confirmations don't constitute proofs: The Most Misleading Patterns in Mathematics youtu.be/kp1C0E8Za7k By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Something that came up in another thread, the Mpemba effect i.e. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. One thing I have to explain is why, if my idea is so great, people didnt consider it earlier. 8. IE throughout learning undergraduate quantum mechanics you hear "spin is a completely quantum mechanical phenomenon that doesn't exist outside of quantum mechanics." Examples of Counterintuitive in a sentence. A recent accumulation of archaeological findings from around the world shows that it was surprisingly common for people to ritually killand sometimes eatother people. It's genuinely remarkable, and chances are you're only aware of a small portion of the fascinating and bizarre facts discovered by scientists thus far. For example, let's say a company invested in IoT systems to gain an edge in data-driven insights. How to use counterintuitive in a sentence. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The interaction of salt and ice involves breaking the bonds that hold water molecules together in ice crystals, and separating the Na+ and Cl- ions in salt crystals. For example, you probably wouldntsay that the double-slit experiment was counterintuitive; youdsay it falsified classical mechanics. An example that comes to mind is deviancy training, as it seems like we would want to encourage youth becoming closer to each other and maintaining close relationships, but if these relationships are with youths engaged in delinquency, maintaining connectedness may entail the youth engaging in more of these behaviors. As Simine points out, many people in psychology say that counterintuitive findings are more valuable so clearly there is an incentive to frame things that way. 2. If youre in a happy, optimistic, ambitious mood, check the weather. MiigPT 7 yr. ago. But our love affair comes at a cost. Like hot water freezing faster than cold. I realize I'm preaching to the converted in this subreddit, but it's always worth remembering the difference to help understand others' view of science. counterintuitive events is an effective way of engaging students in exploring science; such events motivate and involve students in solving problems with a high degree of creativity and critical thinking. So let me get this straight: you're writing a report in which you are breaking the news to your clients that their goals have been wrong, and you wish to soften this news with some examples of how other people have been wrong? counterintuitive counterintuitive Add to list Share. Using a temperature probe in place of a thermometer in these experiments allows continuous temperature monitoring, but may limit the experiments to demonstrations. This points out the need to test the statements of scientists. Plastic waste is a global shame. Fit a 250 ml round-bottom flask with a 2-hole bung carrying a 110oC thermometer, a short glass tube, and a short length of rubber tubing with a sealing clip. -Mark Crislip. Are you able to include anything visual? A red light for go and a green light for stop would be highly counterintuitive, for example. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires are often attributed by the media to global warming. 1. This is the so-called Simpson's . I've spoken before about my daily routines and how I like to exercise and meditate very day. Science can be glorious; it can bring clarity to a chaotic world. Here are ten of the biggest threats to our . If you were an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, youd have your servants slaughtered and buried adjacent to your tomb. Learn more. Quote from: thelatinist on September 28, 2011, 10:31:22 AM, Quote from: Chew on September 28, 2011, 09:49:10 AM, Quote from: Turbonegro on September 28, 2011, 07:45:31 AM, Quote from: Will Nitschke on September 28, 2011, 06:34:28 PM, Member: League of Extraordinarily Evil Gentlemen, Sci Fi Geek, fencer, free thinker, dog friendly. CEH has not analyzed the conclusions of Gnter Kampf in this Letter to PNAS. There again is the problem of unknowns, and of unknown unknowns. This is easy to work out with Bernoulli's principle, but you also need to make use of the continuity equation to work it out, which states: A_1v_1= A_2v_2 A1v1 = A2v2. Removing energy from the surroundings causes cooling, so the temperature drops. Other low melting point compounds, such as ice, octadecanoic (stearic) acid or ethanamide (acetamide), can replace cyclohexane to show that constant temperature during melting and freezing is a general principle, not unique to cyclohexane. Fire individual photons through a double slit at a screen and put a detector at each slit. Bond formation releases energy, counteracting the energy removed by the iced water. The rest comes in two flavors of dark, or unknown stuff: dark matter, at 23 percent of the universe, anddark energy, at a whopping 73 percent: Scientists have some ideas about what dark matter might beexotic and still hypothetical particlesbut they have hardly a clue about dark energy. Every once in a while, a dolt drops a gem. They can then test their ideas. Scientific method involves proposing a theory, and then testing its validity by experiment. Thomas Jefferson saw mastodon bones from Kentucky, for example, and concluded that the giant animals must still be living somewhere in the interior of the continent. To offset the emission equivalent to equal that of the creation of one single-use plastic bag, a reusable plastic bag would need to be reused four times. ~45 kJ/mol vs ~.08 kJ/molK (~8 kJ/mol to get from boiling point to freezing point at STP). Intuitively you would expect that the electrical resistance of a material would decrease as you decrease the temperature. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'counterintuitive.' The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It takes honesty and courage to report findings that dont make sense or go against common knowledge.. "If we want to know how the brain makes memory and uses memory, we need to make people do things like learn stuff and then remember it. Logic is generally used to reach a conclusion using the most accurate and testable route. how we should evaluate counterintuitive claims. As the liquid freezes, the temperature will rise. Ritual sacrifice is described in the Bible, Greek mythology and the Norse sagas, and the Romans accused many of the people they conquered of engaging in ritual sacrifice, but the evidence was thin. Can you take vitamins while fasting for autophagy? This can push students into a seeking explanation mode, setting the stage for discovery. Bad news that cult recovery group just might be a cult, Theres a little bit of The Dude in a lot of Jeff Bridges performances, The English actor found the good side of being bad. So the intuitive in counterintuitive could refer to the intuitions of experts. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Was the double-slit experiment counterintuitive? Invert the flask, so the thermometer bulb is in the hot water. The contradictory ideas might even have made their way into cultural wisdom like birds of a feather flock together versus opposites attract.. I suppose this might still be categorized as trying to be counterintuitive, though I think it is more about striving for nuance. The reduced pressure below the piston allows the atmospheric pressure above it to push it back down. It and subsequent ambitious and painstaking epidemiological studies have shown that ones risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain kinds of cancer and other health problems increases in a dose-dependent manner upon exposure to delicious food. 9. The English actor found the good side of being bad, Theres a little bit of The Dude in a lot of Jeff Bridges performances. Welcome to Forum 2.1 the upgrade to Version 2.1.2 of SMF, Started by Turbonegro, September 28, 2011, 07:45:31 AM. I guess I never really thought about the first one, but it is really weird. This is how early steam engines worked. For example,when intuition systematically leads people to make consequentially bad decisionsit can be important to document that and understand why. Whereas the exceptions tend to have a narrower list of plausible explanations. A couple of coins for the ferryman? If you are willing to push through a bit of added stress in the short term . If you detect which slit the photons go through, you dont get any interference pattern. For me that brings up the question: what do we mean when we say something is counterintuitive?. I recall a quote that expressed this idea quite nicely. When it solidifies, bonds form between the Na+ and S2O32- ions, releasing energy, which raises the temperature. I would not claim thatthis describes all instances of counterintuitive, but I thinkit describes a lot of them. 5 Are counterintuitive findings more valuable? This re-boiling produces more steam, increasing the pressure, and thus raising the boiling point above the current water temperature, so boiling ceases. For the past 151 years, sinceOn the Origin of Specieswas published, people have been arguing over evolution. The paper in the Journal of Dairy Science says that Research was supported by Dairy Management Inc. (Rosemont, IL) and asserts that The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest. What does that mean? Here are 13 counterintuitive business truths I've come to know, even if I can't exactly explain why they make sense. 3. Removal of dairy cows may reduce essential nutrient supply with little effect on greenhouse gas emissions (Phys.org). Even in the 21st century, its quite possible to die of consumption. I am writing a report with some counterintuitive and surprising findings, and need some examples to show that our intuitive understanding can be totally wrong (So that they don't feel stupid for having pursued a goal without checking if their assumptions were correct). Protective effect of mandatory face masks in the publicrelevant variables with likely impact on outcome were not considered (PNAS). Counterintuitive behavior means that actions intended to produce a desired outcome may generate opposite results. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Water will trickle into the beaker as ice melts. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". :). Example: "What do you eggheads mean this wall is mostly empty space at a molecular level. Upal [2] labelled this as the minimal counterintuitiveness effect or the MCI-effect. A counterintuitive proposition is one that does not seem likely to be true when assessed using intuition, common sense, or gut feelings.. Scientifically discovered, objective truths are often called counterintuitive when intuition, emotions, and other cognitive processes outside of deductive rationality interpret them to be wrong. If I walk into it's solid, and I can't see through it. What I suspect that means is that counterintuitive is often justa rhetorical strategyfor writing introduction sections and marketing our work. 5y. Your Privacy Rights Our analysis reveals that student success in arriving at counter-intuitive . How could something so obvious be wrong? It does not store any personal data. 2 What is another word for counterintuitive? Since these researchers are moyboys, readers should take that into account. darkmighty 7 yr. ago. Our cognitive failings are legion: we take a few anecdotes and make incorrect generalizations, we misinterpret information to support our preconceptions, and were easily distracted or swayed by irrelevant details. To save this word, you'll need to log in. When it comes to QM, however, I agree completely. For example, you probably wouldnt say that the double-slit experiment was counterintuitive; youd say it falsified classical mechanics.