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When we landed my finger was twice the size. No one expects any more of you. But those accepting the pay of the sponsorship fees do not have to suffer with the bars, merely to take the money and thus approve themjust like at times platforms/stages at ipf worlds have sagged under the larger squatters, only to be considered "acceptable". the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. Hewon nine consecutive IPF World Powerlifting Championships from 1971-1979 (198-pound to 242-pound weight classes) and set 54 world records during his powerlifting career. Well, if you have ever lifted with an Eleiko or Leoko bar, they are similar to a Texas, so I would state this wouldn't be that big of a deal and a DL record set on a TPB vs. an Ivanko is arguably harder to hold on to and more distance traveled. Ed did one bodybuilding show as a teenager but he did not like the idea of losing weight, he wanted to become as big as possible. It was a bold move, because the USPF was popular its competitions were even nationally televised. In my opinion, it's a horrible situation all the way around. Arnold Schwarzenegger (3). Squat: 260kg/573.2lb(WR) [/quote] Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. Mike's best official lift was 608 made in 1977. Use was rampant, but that didnt mean every lifter wanted to pump himself full of chemicals. The rescue squad got there in 10 minutes and away I went. Several people in the area had Ivenko Bars--within 2oo miles I bet there were four available. How is this the USAPL shooting themselves in the foot? It will be a **** shame if Mike is stripped of these records. Larry: We had a great team back then and I will always look back to the early days without so much politics. Just lift it! The movement standards of powerlifting competitions are going to be a significant challenge. I was never as happy as I was to see Mac walk in my room to take me home to Dayton, Ohio. Mike was the superlative powerlifter. I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. Our flight out of LA was fine. Bridges trained all three of the power lifts in the same workout, three days a week. I drove it to within an inch from locking it out. Fred is the total squatter, his squats range from 918lb thorugh 100b. 5. A winner of five world championships and several world record. In powerlifting we have had lifters such as Pacifico who many times totaled more than the heavyweights in the early years of powerlifting. He sewed the two pieces together temporarily while they made arrangements for me to meet a helicopter at the University of Dayton arena to fly me and my wife Carol to Louisville, Kentucky. check out the. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. His total outdid his closest competiton by some 150lb. He got his little finger caught in a sliding door. The rule said small jump of 2.5 kg would nullify a third and that is how I lost the bid for my 10th world championship.Lou: Tell us about your most memorable world championship.Larry: That would be my first in 1971 against John Kanter. if i were running the damned thing, i'd be double checking EVERYTHING. He was right. he was just as good as coan just in a lighter weight class. That has got to be more dangerous that squatting without wraps. Steroids split us into two federations. Over time, more groups broke off from both the USPF and drug-free federation, splintering the sport further. Joe came alive within months with some lifting that is still admired today. [/quote] And in Daytona, Ohio, eight weeks later he made a 590-pound bench press at 228 bodyweight. First of all, congratulations on a stellar performance that puts you IMO in the class with Inaba of Japan and other lifters who throw the gauntlet in the face of Father Time. DUMB, the man had spanking new Ivanko weights and ER rack on the platform, to think that the bar was his underminding the rules is plain stupid. Well, finally the final chapter to this event: As I mentioned, Mac Richards came back down to pick me up in Louisville. also what do you guys think about this every monday he would max out on bench/squat and max out on deads every wednesday. if indeed he's been robbed before, then he's pretty tough for sticking in there and coming back. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. Let's hope they get confirmed soon. How many more times will you shoot yourself in the foot? It took 29 years for someone to break this raw bench record mark, set by a man that looked like a clerk at Home Depot. ive seen a little on his training also here it goes. why someone running a meet like this waits to the last second anyway is a damned good question. Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. In football, the drugs can help a fullback break through what would have been a tackle; in baseball, they can help a pitcher take a 95 mph fastball to 98 mph (and also help him recover between starts). So I wiped the blood off with my coat and pushed the pin back down my finger. Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. Larry Pacifico is widely regarded as one of the greatest powerlifters of all time. I had plenty of ice packed around my hand. There was no 220 class yet. It's about $'s! he did this for 10 years and kept progressing but he's unreal. Then Ronnie Ray from Texas and a guy they called Mel Hennessey of Minnesota. Third, to the IPF, if you do take the records away, ask yourself why there are all these feds and why lifters are constantly jumping from fed to fed. Sam is a world record holder in the 275lb class with a lift of 639lb in the bench press. The world is blessed with FED ex overnight, next MORNING. He was right.After 10 yearsfrom 1970 to 1980I won my first nationals with my first top-ten bench. From then on and into the 80s, Id estimate that about 85 percent of competitive American powerlifters at the national level were using something in massive doses to gain an edge: anabolic steroids, dianabol, testosterone.. Since then Mike has competed in multiple weight classes and won every competition he has entered. Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. Its a shame his feats arent hailed about today. WAS THE PAPER IT WAS WRITTEN ON WAS THE RIGHT SIZE! Who is that? If possible, structure your training as follows: Mon - Bench day Weds -Deadlift day Fri - Squat day Day 1 (Monday) Bench day: And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Squat: 446.7kg/984.4lb [/quote] Squat: 365kg/804.69lb And your team Power Elite with your lifters including Topsogov Studer. That's when Bridges competed in the ADFPA (American Drug Free Powerlifting Association). I slept on the flight down and drifted in and out for the next eight hours, but I was able to watch most of the operation not only mine but both of the other two as well. so yes, some records were set with tpb. This page was generated at 11:54 PM. A week later Mac and I were on a jet headed for Los Angeles. :)[/quote] He said, "I will be in a minute." Being stubborn about that and thinking I'm too tough to change what I do will derail your progress sooner or laterso listen to what the body is telling you and work with it; not against it. they say he found out thursday. We did not know this in advance. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. 4. Video of Mike Bridges' Raw Challenge Squats. Anyway, I digress. Back then I was a big man with a big chest. Where are my safety guys screaming about that? Was I right! Do guys in anything-goes competitions regularly hoist heavier weights than guys in drug-tested meets?3 Why allow PED use at all? This happened to Mike Bridges. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS.[/quote]. I loved Mac Richards, but I never loved him as much as when he handed me that beer. At a national level meet you should have equipment more than 2 days prior to a meet. [/quote] While I was there, in came a man from Texas who got his hand ground up in a meat grinder. (course they also did drug tests on mike but odds are those won't be a problem). They run around $140 a piece, and I dont want to pass the cost onto the lifters, because I honestly think that the majority of elite guys in the sport just dont care that much anymore. Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. True, Jack. I went 760, 810, 832. [/quote] WTF!! Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb [quote=mark roskell]its not the fault of the ipf, but the stuff up of the meet directors!!! So, even if drugs arent in an athletes system, he might be lifting heavier because he used PEDs a few years ago. This accident took maybe a second and a half. All who made the world team will still make the world team, all the totals are official. I'm fine Jesse! Thats what makes powerlifting such a great sport. They don't specifically train to get huge muscles, but they still end up being massive. You should tell the cycling community about your insoles. That being said, steroids, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), clenbuterol and other banned substances dont make an athlete more skilled at his sport they amplify skills he already has. One of the nicest menin the power lifting game. I have three kids: Jimmy who works with me at Pacifico Power, Pat who lives in Coco Beach, and daughter Theresa Nelson. I lowered it, but too slow. RECENT:Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster. One would have to see the 325lb. Tony Carpino agreed to fly in and ref and help out. Dans statue, not his weight, makes him unusual for the hings that he has done. I guess better an old fart than an old tu*d! Jim some even fresh from factory seem unduly "slick"! Now all the anonymous guys can come on here and bash the IPF for requiring approved equipment for records. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands, I met him in my first power meet in the summer of 1966. But when you can squat 1000 anytime you fell like it, who cares about a poor deadlift. What gives? Well most know he won nine straight before making. Peoria, IL. Log in or register to post comments Mike Bridges indeed used anabolic/androgenic steroids (along with everybody else) to amass his several world record squats and totals in the IPF. It was the first issue where my name wasn't there for the first time in 10 years. How many more times will you shoot yourself in the foot? One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh, At 198 he went 450-315-440 to win. JOHN INZER An elite lifter, Inzer invented the bench shirtsupportive equipment that allowed for bigger lifts. I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. He went on to win seven national and three world titles. All Rights Reserved. Larry: Yes. Guess we will never know for sure since neither one of us heard it first hand. Wouldn't it still be a Masters National USAPL record? It is said the that the road of good intentions a paved with, It is sad and pathetic that people have to jump on board and bash someone who has busted their butt to pull off one of the best meets. Modern powerlifters are some of the strongest people in history. Really, then what would you have done if the meet director, technical sec were standing together when they opened the box from Ivanko to find the wrong bar had been sent? Mike Bridges - Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. Bridges weighed just. Squat: 410kg/903lb Bench: 160kg/352.74lb(WR) Well most know he won nine straight before makinga tactical error when he jumped five pounds on his second attempt on the deadlift, which nullified a third attempt, letting Mark Dimiduk win the1980s nationals and worlds.Larry told me if I would open lighter I would do better, and he was right again.I remember Larry making a 530-pound bench press and a 1,900 total in 1972 in Cincinnati, Ohio, at a body weight of 198. Dan is a poor bencher when it comes to fellows his weight, but he more than makes up for it in other two lifts. I would think you would have everything ready to go at least a week out. The division between the drug-tested and non-drug-tested competitions makes powerlifting a unique window into what effect todays PEDs have on an all-important athletic skill: strength. "Bars dont grow on trees, what would you have done in this situation??" Needless to say, the routine listed below, is designed to work on each of these lifts. And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. The place was cheering wildly for me to take again. The fact that Teds total may have been low does not depreciate the astronomical effort he has left us with. Fred has held the squat record in several classes and he has squatted 1008lb at the Budweiser meet in 1986. I opened with 540 very easy, then the 242 world record of 578. Harold put on a great meet. Some powerlifters compete in divisions in which they can wear squat suits and bench shirts, which can put them in better form and help increase lift numbers. Terry Todd isn't merely the United States' first national powerlifting champion (in 1964 and '65), he was also the first man to total 1,600, 1,700, 1,800, and 1,900 pounds. 7. 1. Copyright 2023 elitefts. After getting out of the Army I started to compete in and around Ohio. I think it'd be more like shooting the jockey because he was wearing the wrong silks lol! Many powerlifters even on high level don't train more than 3-5 times a week. The problem was discovered on Thursday. The squat racks used at that meet were illegal as they could possibly get accoding to mandates of the IPF. I called him and he got me in and said it might never straighten out again. on USA SOIL! anyway, im in agreement with most everyone here, that is, there is no way any record should be taken away because of this. Powerlifting had one federation, one national champion, Gaynor said. Mike Bridges ( Birth date: february 1, 1957) Who is that? I'm doing good, Buddy, how have you been? Then he came and got me. Go ahead, it's okay. And at 51 I expect to take it even higher next week at the APF Georgia. You've probably never heard of him, but he's one of the strongest men who's ever lived, and he was a powerlifting god in the early 1980s. I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. Then, around the mid-70s, people realized that taking huge doses increased their lifts, said Bob Gaynor, a powerlifting historian and competitive lifter from the era. and the Squat at an astonishing amount of 804 lbs. yea i was thinking about trying this because i want to compete eventually in single ply gear and natural. Tests are cost prohibitive. Will Democrats Rally Behind President Biden In 2024? wouldnt u think for a comp that big, that everything would be above board, regardless of what you think the rules should be? Ken Lain DVD's. Tape 1 - Add 50 to 75 lbs To Your Bench Press. Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. Benchpress: 265kg/584lb XTREME SQUATTING-book, XTREME DEADLIFTING-book, & ADVANCED POWERLIFTING TECHIQUES-DVD. Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. We landed in St. Louis five hours later. When he first saw Vince hecould tell he had dropped down to 198,then he saw me all bulked up and ready for battle. Mike Bridges (1982) WORLD RECORD (181 lbs / 82.5 kg) POWERLIFTING TOTAL 954.5 KG . Gerlof Holkema 4.4K subscribers Subscribe 4.1K views 2 years ago Mike Bridges (1982) WORLD RECORD (181 lbs /. Come on, guys.Mike LIFTED the f***ing weight! What did this meet director think? Ivanko pays them a lisence fee to approve their stuff and Texas Power Bar doesn't! It wasn't as meteculous years ago when the USAPL was first cutting their teeth after becoming the IPF affiliate. No one ever say a word to him no matter what.The Conversation. 1980-11-07, USA-VA, Arlington. I think it'd be more like shooting the jockey because he was wearing the wrong silks lol! And then one day it was over.Larry: Yes I have had 16 surgeries from powerlifting including one freak accident when I almost cut my fingers off when I dropped a bar on myself.Lou: I know you were one of the first to sell power knee wraps and suits.Larry: Yes. One time while weighing in Larry was standing on one foot just to bug him. best of luck to everyone concerned with this! How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. And it's still very hard for me to write after all these years. Perfect I went around and took off my coat made a pillow out of it then took off my watch, laid it down, and fell sound to sleep. On October 4, 1980 I lifted at a meet in Dayton, Ohio that I promoted. 1981Mens Senior Nationals But there is one man that comes to mind that was contested by the fact he could be beaten on a bad day if someone else had a great day. It was stuck in about four inches down. wouldnt u think for a comp that big, that everything would be above board, regardless of what you think the rules should be? One should not blame the IPF as they did not have any influence or a stake in this meet. I hope this does not come true. For example, at a drug-tested meet in 2002, Mike Booker squatted 551 pounds but weighed just 132 pounds. They keep raising the standard. This is the biggest USAPL meet of the year. When we discovered the mistake we did the best we could and used the bar that was available. If he would choose to use the best gear of today, it would be crazy. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. Everything at this meet was ran by the guys in the uniforms! You won't believe my luck. In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges answers that at 50 he still trains the same. I've also, place 2nd once, and 3rd twice in the 'open' class since age 47 in World Championships. I hope it wasnt 45lbs cos USAPL/IPF rules stipulate metric measures Mike entered his first power lifting competition in 1976 and broke a world record in his very first competition. Mike Bridges - 755 lb Deadlift @ 181 lbs (342.5 @ 82.5 kgs) Lexington Plummer 1.59K subscribers 3.8K views 6 years ago Mike Bridges deadlifts 755 lbs on his third attempt to consolidate a. The world is blessed with FED ex overnight, next MORNING, [quote=Anonymous] In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges. I checked the rules on the USAPL site and they just referenced the IPF rules. People need to have a reality check, as if Harold thought ..hey, let me sabotage this meet and give them a non-approved bar. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. Records should not have to be sacrificed because of this. He was and is the strongest man under 200 pounds I ever saw. Giant to appreciate his size. The distinction between the groups histories with strength-enhancing drugs is important because these drugs dont just flush out completely they can leave a lasting impact. Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. The bar used was the correct weight & configuration. I don't think I would even care if the IPF recognized it personally. I hope this does not come true. If you looked at Freds height (58) and consider what Fred has accomplished, its simply outrageous!!!! Where are my safety guys screaming about that? Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." mike is right. Mike's. Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. I hope it wasnt 45lbs cos USAPL/IPF rules stipulate metric measures The meet always attracted the very best lifters in the country and 1978's version was no exception. My first personal observation of Mike was at the Heart Of America Powerlifting Contest, an annual event hosted by St. Louis gym owner and bodybuilder George Turner. 3. dont lie to everyone who questioned the bar and keep insisting it was an old Ivenko bar. that is bullshit. All rights reserved. My boyfriend was in the area on Thursday afternoon when several referees told the Technical Sec that something was wrong with the bar and they were told it was OK, it was an old Ivenko Bar. It was a national meet. We did not know this in advance. Squat: 227.5kg/501lb There's a big difference between exposure and mastery! Best Lifts: That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard, did they not KNOW you need to use approved equipment?