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Large organizations should welcome such scrutiny. Plus, with WoA, a true plug-in Continuum experience running traditional Win32 apps in a desktop experience. So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. Of course it was a mistake Nutella. But it that is true, why did they kill Groove? Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. Can someone from WC actually get a quick interview with this CEO? For example, more will start use google docs and storage (due to integration with phone etc.) It is going to be about man with machines." Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities or skills in which Nadella Satya lacks. The iphone X's facial ID has nothing to do with 950's retina scan, they have two different techs, and it's large screen was not copied from a Lumia 950XL or any lumia :)) how pathetic can you be?? Microsoft's handling of mobile will be studied in B-School in the future alongside case studies of Atari.. Its not too late, Satya has made mistakes, but he did launched Nokia X but didn't put enough resources and marketing campaign so that Android app developers like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat could see that their apps could finally run on a Microsoft product. MS was king because the dominated the desktop - all applications had to be written for it to exist. And my guess is that these items are all high on Nadellas to-do list. Look at how both the Surface Book and the Surface Studio took the vast majority of sources by surprise and the Surface Laptop only leak the day or two before announcement. But at some point Surface will need to flip to the black. I am one of those MS loyalists who believed all the hype (now looking like BS) about Windows utility and productivity across all platforms. You can create superb augmented reality but if people are using it on the device people have in their pocket you are lost. He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. Walk back the decision while you still can. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. Without a mobile platform of their own their future is limited if not over. Anyone who seriously thought that Microsofts board was going to choose an outsider who was willing to blow up Microsofts core businesses was, um,qualified to runfor Mayor of Toronto. Integrate the Nokia division without bloodshed. If you want more socialization then the univeral apps would make that possible. The successful organizations such as Nadella Satya are the one who able to predict market trends better than others, provide resources to develop products and services to leverage those trends, able to counter competitors threats, and meet customers expected value proposition. But, in the harsh afterglow of Googles Motorola purchase and sale, you have to wonder what might happen. As TechCrunch reported: Critically, Windows OEM revenue for the period only declined 3 percent, a figure that was cushioned by 12 percent more OEM revenue to commercial customers. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this has provided Nadella Satya resources to not only thwart competitive pressures but also to invest into research and development. A typical day for Nadella begins with exercise and personal reflection. Do they have a big market share? Now I use a Pixel it doesn't really talk with my PC. I can honestly say, I would go back to my windows phone in a heartbeat if it had the same apps and a future. It happpened to IBM, Sears, GE, GM, Kodak, BestBuy, Polaroid, and a host of others. Now i rather have Phil spencer or Panos at head of Microsoft, people that stand behind their products and fans, consumers. Like my Apple Watch, as a wearable, an iPad for a tablet experience (yes, I own a Surface Pro 4, but that's not a tablet-like experience for me) or switching to Apple Music because Groove wouldn't have albums available, when released (all to see them cancel the service out right). I have 40k worth of their stock, my vote will be to give his butt the boot. Before becoming CEO, he was the executive vice president of Microsoft's cloud and . At the time of his promotion, he was leading Cloud, one of the most important core businesses MS was venturing into. Windows 10 has the numbers and we see new good quality apps appearing in the store on a daily basis. Unless/until hundreds of millions are sold, no one is going to write MOBILE apps for it, because developers have all been burned too many times. By completely ceding this space, Microsoft is in effect abandoning personal computing. The Nokia acquisition has the potential to bring in some hardware genius and sales that could scale up to 100 million devices a year in fairly short order. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. Satya is just like this but on steroids. The fact that it was hard enough to get a 920 din't help. I was mistaken to believe their vision and commitment to consumers went beyond that. 7. He took over as CEO in 2014 and has since led Microsoft through a period of significant growth and transformation. But then Microsoft figured - it's just a couple of hundred bucks down the crapper, I mean, you've already stood by me through so much. Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. @JaimitoFrog.Yeahthats the ticketMS would be bankrupt in 6 months. Yes it would excite the few remaining die hard fans here, but everyone else will yawn and continue with their Apple and Android devices because it will have no MOBILE apps. I upgraded the OS to Windows 10 and much of the funcuality starting dropping off because Sony chose not to up date drivers for the systems they deserted. I have been a windows mobile / phone user for a many years. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! This almost-great Raspberry Pi alternative is missing one key feature, This $75 dock turns your Mac Mini into a Mac Studio (sort of), Samsung's Galaxy S23 Plus is the Goldilocks of Smartphones, How the New Space Race Will Drive Innovation, How the metaverse will change the future of work and society, Digital transformation: Trends and insights for success, Software development: Emerging trends and changing roles, constitute less than 1 percent of all shares, acting head of the server and enterprise group, reporting to Nadella. If you didn't have MS Office you'd be nothing be an ancient memory in anals of computer history. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. Then I hope Microsoft phone are on their feet again. I think one of the issues is secrecy. They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. - Squeezing Middle Class in Developed and Developing World The growing inequality is one of the biggest threat to not only globalization but also to capitalism. This approach can lead to poor public relation and customer backlash. Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014 ). Yeah, short term the shareholders are making money, but long term I think this could be the beginning to the end for Microsoft. But well meant I change to LG V30, or S8 plus or note 8, but in this moment I cancel office 365, cancel groove, in the future cancel Xbox live, ea access , I cant belive, now I selling my Surface pro 3 to, my angry is to extreme I know, but I'm very angry. Android and iOS are, right now! Since the launch of Windows 10 I thought the good times for Microsoft were about to come, and I increased my faith with the idea of a promised Universal Windows Platform running on every device, including smartphones. Azure could slip against Amazons AWS with Nadellas leadership tied up elsewhere. Go ahead and pull the arm of the compting slot machine and cross your fingers. If people aren't using Microsoft in their personal lives, it won't even enter their heads to use it in their commercial lives. Satya Nadella wakes at 7 am, three hours after Apple CEO Tim Cook. Even within W10 product delivery it has been a mismatch of poor services - Cortana language/accent limitations, region dependencies, store credit card (cc) limitations (only cc of the region set can be used). Google has failed at various markets. After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort. I'm really glad I left when I did now cause I would seriously be pissed having spent all this time hoping in something Microsoft never delivered. I generally agree withall of this. The more I see his management style the more I realize that he has no idea what he's doing in terms of long term goals. This time, it promises, will be different. I once had a SONY Vaio PC, The company stopped supporting it. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. Certainly, I'm not qualified to see the future or manage a multinational corporation, but even with phones being a money pit, it's one of those investments that look to me like a necessity, like Bing was. The notion that it wasn't making headway is just a lie. You lose your ability to retain talent or to recruit the best talent when futures are uncertain. The really really sad thing is that for a while ago, I was still defending for W10M and truly believed that MS had something cool they are working on. Most mobile phone carriers are bundling ever more minutes and texts in plans because people have moved to data. Their actions speak louder than words. Since then Microsoft's developer community have felt jerked around more than they've felt cheered, with a couple of high-profile shifts in development strategy (abandoning Silverlight was the biggestslap, but there have been others). Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. Mobile payment was the "next big thing" five years ago. DO NOT bring back gates. The common denominator is management arrogance and death spiral sub-optimization. Weaknesses. MS its late but not completely out of race. No thanks MS. Bye Bye. I dont think that anyone expects Microsoft to beat that number in the current quarter. Microsoft has been in the mobile market since the days of WINCE. I was idealist I told myself I'd add my two bits to this grand idea against the odds because I believed in it. hprbl/ He has not changed his mind of that, just regretting that he did not pay closer attention to the phone base. Unfortunately, some folk didn't realize the piece actually addressed all of UWP, not just mobile, The man had more than two choices. I stuck with my 920 as long as I could (almost 3 years), hoping for MS to release something wothy. They don't expect any big features. Satya Nadella i Competing in the Age of AI Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World Marco Iansiti Source: "An important book that explains what's required to rethink the firm and become an AI-first company." - Satya Nadella View on Amazon 2 recommenders Mark Cuban Satya Nadella i No Rules Rules Despite more than doubling its revenue in the period, Surface lost tens of million of dollars in the past quarter. No Windows/Microsoft mobiles means no OS that makes Microsoft Office relevant. Most of us have probably embraced the new ideas at the Build pep rallies only to find out 24 months later that it was nothing more than an infomercial using many of us as the foot soldiers for the revenue stream. That made the other carriers apprehensive to carry and push Windows phones, yes? As much as he had to pull the plug on Balmer's bad decisions. Microsoft WILL not gain from making their Windows 10 for desktops free as they need that business right now. Best bet as of right now. enjoy Windows 10 (solid, great OS), if that's your main computer OS, find another option for a phone or mobile device. They embraced the browser market and extended it with special html handling. - Strong Balance Sheet and Financial Statement of Nadella Satya can help it to invest in new and diverse projects that can further diversify the revenue stream and increase Return on Sales (RoS) & other metrics. That's the role I had hoped (and still hope?) Ok, then where are all these European sales? Poor marketing, poor execution, and just not paying attention to what users really needed until it was way too late. WC was giving this guy credit for a lot of Ballmers work! I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. I wouldn't expect immediategrowth and a great spurt of Windows fans coming back, but if they made a device (whether it looked like a phone or not), showed actual commitment behind it, and marketed the death out of it by showcasing its many features via various media mediums, change is possible. When I had that thought I realised just how annoyed I am with Microsoft. Thats not an enviable job. We can all appreciate that thirst for knowledge. That is cured with royalties or being good at releasing bug free OSes and apps, Ah, downvoted for pointing out the truth, Android apps did nothing but hasten the demise of BB10. Once they bought NOKIA, then that project was cancelled by Steve Ballmer. After groove and the W10 mobile announcement I ordered my Pixel and have moved everything over to Google. But I'm NOT keeping using it out of loyalty to MS - rather, because I like Windows 10 Mobile and the phone remains almost as capable as most other handsets out there. What will this all mean to Continuum? Spotify doesn't work on my 950 either, I get the same revolving dots as you. - High Margins Nadella Satya charges a premium compare to its competitors. Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. So the Surface and tablets can use Android Apps like an Android tablet would do. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. That flips and Nadella has a new problem on his hands. So the Windows 8.x we have for mobile today is likely the Windows 8.x for mobile we are going to have for some time. It is hard to believe but we are almost there. Everyone has at least two mobile devices - phone and tablet and mostly they don't run Microsoft OS. ITS A VERY BIIIIIIIGGGGG MISTAKE!!! Figuring out the planto get from clunky licenses to a subscription-based future will be a key challenge for Nadella. Surface had a solid fourth quarter in 2013, taking in $893 million on revenue. Before slinging the "A" word around, try doing some research. They get Fat, Dumb, and Happy and the executives spend all their time in-fighting for their personal goals and spend much more time and money trying to LOCK their consumers into their product than expanding the products flexibility and usefulness. abandon consumer market is a bad choose Heres a thought, why not sell Windowsphone to HDM or whoever bought Nokia. Here are 5 insights Nadella shared throughout their discussion that illustrate leadership qualities within the changing workplace. Now it seems like they focus on corporate software and nothing that gets in front of the average user. Nadella doesn't agree! Windows Phone just worked, but with each release they took away more and more features and broke other ones. - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. Plus, Win32 apps are running in emulation. Balmer got it right when he wanted to populate users with inexpensive and fully usable handsets which bumped up the share to 4% world wide and around 15%in Europe only to be divested by Nadella. Too late. Bought a spare battery. Windows will keep only gamers, because there is no other gaming platform. Genius! It is written by Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston and deals with topics in areas such as Organizational Development Leadership, Organizational culture They aren't accountable for their mistakes or give clear messages as to which direction they are going in. Feel free to connect with us if you need business research. I no longer consider myself a "Everything Microsoft" purchaser. SWOT Analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that Nadella Satya encounters both internally and in macro environment that it operates in. Engage with consumer spaces that they have not traditionally engaged in so secure infotainment systems, this will allow to fine tune 5g tech and leverage azure with Cortana analytics. I don't see a long term future even for windows if this idea fails. That was the most stupid decision except for leaving the market. Theyve probably got abackload of ideas they want to share. "Leaders think their . Microsoft tries to play fair and their competitors equivalently dirty. le OneDrive can easyly be swooped by Icloud on Iphones and Googe drive on Android phones. Given all of this, it will basically be seen by the public as Yet AnotherWindows Phone. But it seems there arethose that just can't get engaged with it. Like DT is running MS. All they need is a small but powerful tablet in the size of a phone with cellular but do not market it as a phone. Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. At least I have noticed this and I was researching and then found out like Media agenciesgetpaid for biased news. Instead it will just make them more comfortable with iOS or Android since they can get the best of both worlds. I don't know why they seem concerned about our comments in the Windows Phone Platform, but do nothing to fix what we share. Amid the rise of work-from-home culture post-Covid-19 lockdowns, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that bosses are scared that their employees slack off while working from home. But in general it was a culmination of stupid moves at that time. One of the most amusing and disturbing anecdotes that Satya Nadella likes to tell about himself is this one, which hes repeated several times now. Google doesit. People hanging about in a burning house while walls fell down around them and ash filled their lungs, smh. History does repeat itself, and in the corporate world it is usually because of poor management and lack of vision. In 2016 Nadella oversaw the acquisition of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social networking Web site. All to be left again, while they "retrench" themselves in another category. This is the way to go. I'm shocked how the Surface tablets are doing. Regards Now that the dust has cleared on the CEO question, those who hoped for the role and did not get it could exit. It seems you have the guts to take on things others don't. being a Windows Mobile user since the days of the PocketPC, WM4 WM5.3, WP7, etc etc.. etc.. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. Maybe this is a way to come back with a mobile device! It wasn't making headway. Google and Apple are committed and welcome talent. Should I take the bait yet again? I wish this information had been available a couple of weeks ago. I thought that they knew that mobile is a key sector that they need to conquer by any means. If they had demonstrated that resolve, maybe developers would have been more willing to feed an emerging market of users. Maybe they didn't want anymore after that. While Nadella was essentially the unanimous choice of those outside the company your humble servant included his clippings have become too nice. Now is their communication process and the way how they approach consumers ok? These Experts Are Racing to Protect AI From Hackers. There's no reason in the world Win 10 phones couldn't compete against iPhone & Android. He has more commitment, vision, drive, passion and focus than this assclown running microsoft. However, he didn't think the knowledge he gained was sufficient to develop his abilities and went to the United States to learn computer science. Wake TFU Microsoft! While 100 million phones sounds impressive, that is over what time span? The dual SIM system is great for when I travel it allows me to separate which contact I call on which SIM. Windowsphone was not about phone. So, large companies offset weak consumer demand, mostly. My step sister's husband works for Microsoft, and he was stunned to hear I still owned a WP! Again, this is one of the bestarticles I read from you. (See Gene Wilder in The Producers.). I can only remember Windows Mobile 7.5/8 being so stable that I'd go months without a reboot. It is so hard to watch Microsoft go down this path, the only redemption for this fanbase is a hero product in spring, I used to hold my breath for that stuff, not any more. Worst CEO I have ever seen, destroyed the reputation of twoonce great companies, MS and Nokia. It was more important to shake the long building reputation that MS is a company of startup technology which never gets finished to a point where end users, developers, and OEM partners can achieve a reasonable ROI for their time, and money investments, than to shake the stigma of a slow progressing ecosystem. The overlap between product lines in Microsoft is substantial. Please forget about Win32 antiques. I've been on windows phones for five years and they have been reliable workhorses that never had problems. Even though it looks really cool, I have a really hard time being sold on their mixed reality. That's the way it was back in the day of Bill Gates, but those days are long over and it's their own fault. ), but remove a mobile device and much of what we use is stationary. And I was told I didn't know what I was talking about when I have repeatedly said this for the past two years. I have not commented on an article here in such a long time! allow MEMU on windows mobile in the storeAll will be fine then! Intellectual Stimulation. But this is still sad to see. Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Microsoft Case Study 1. While a Surface Phone would have me interested, to think the percentage of people who would care is above the 3% (if that), would be a dream. Poor decision in the long run, but what do these corporate heads care? Percentages do not tell you the whole story. Microsoft, you used to plant the tree. According to global executive survey done by Harvard Business Review & Brightline Initiative Only 20% of the strategic targets set by organizations are realized. I get the abandonment of Windows 10 Mobile, but MS seemed to have had pushed really hard the Continium feature. The MS supporters voiced this over and over and he failed to listen. It's more like he doesn't care, interviews like this are just lip service to try to placate Windows fans. Give me a call when you hit 51% anywhere consumer market based. no not old desktops. Tried like hell to get SO Many people to jump on this bandwagon and ride it. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. Nokia, when whole, was not a particularly profitable company. all running on a appstore controlled by Microsoft. There is only one near-term way Microsoft could save mobile. In addition, Windows on the consumer side needs to aggressively address the pricing issue. Nadella Satya can use two approaches - building on present strengths, or analyze the trend and build processes to two pronged market penetration approach. It doesn't have to compete against companies that make a lot of gadgets. And PC volume has been the savior of the Windows 8.x platform as it has slowly arranged its ducks in a row. if a peice of hardware does not sell well a Microsoft ceo can stop production & sales of that hardware. Nadella's job is to make Microsoft as profitable as possible, and I'm sure that he was under pressure from shareholders to cut the dead weight. MSFT seems to be telegraphing very clearly that they feel Windows will be dead in less than 10 years and they are moving the company in the direction to ensure survival in a post-Windows world. Opportunities can emerge from various factors such as - political developments & policy changes, changes in consumer preferences, technological innovations, economic growth, and increase in consumer disposable income . They have had a chance. Consumers need free or less pricy option. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. I buy more books than I can finish. And I'm going to get my hardware partners to build devices too. It was over when Google gave Android away for free and Microsoft kept charging for Windows Mobile. Now the global perception about the company has reached the lowest level. WP8.1 and the aquistion of Nokia was arguably either a desparate or ingenious move at the time because it offered the possiblity of a hero mobile device that directly could have competed with Apple's product but also allowed the license to be available to other oems similar to Android. Now all you do is to carve "Microsoft was here" in someone else's tree. It doesn't make any sense to support something useless anymore. I truly love technology and I keep up with the news here because I like it so much. Also, while Nadella is generally considered to be well-liked internally, he can hardly be universally popular. So long Microsoft. I've been on Android for a year now, full time since the S8 came out. They lined everything up to continue growing the phones, but just didn't deliver. He oversees Microsoft's computer software and hardware products, including Windows, Xbox, Surface, Office 365, and Bing. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. The lack of apps does not bother me because those same free apps are the feeding tubes for identity theft and loss of privacy to data mining. "In the future, technologies like AI, mixed reality and quantum computing will advance in . Probably then he would pay attention and his bottom line would change Amd that of his short term investors. If they did that thenthe OS could be loaded on to a phone. So if an Apple/Google competitor offers a competitive product then I will give it a good look, if not my first right of refusal. But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. Finally, he admitted that he made a FUBAR! This would not be Changing The Game. The point is, Microsoft was WAY behind. Or that employees/consumers with Android or Apple phones are going to adopt MS's AI, MR, Cortana, Edge, etc., etc. I currently have a 950XL. Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, Nadella's up to something (cloud). He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. Because you never understood Windows Phone, you jackass. Thats my list. He called a a rejected platform and yet at 1 point, there were as many windows phone users as there are Mac users. The windows phone works well for integration to server based sytems, whether they are corporate or personal enterprises. Will Microsoft abandon this thing in a year or two like he did with phones?". Nadella is the worst CEO in the history of Microsoft, from a consumer point of view of course. I'm a full-time user of OneNote, One Drive, and Outlook. When you fail to tell the truth to your employees the organization begins to corrode from the inside. Now, No ******* thing. It will destroy the last Microsoft mobile fans left and leave a real bad reputation for Microsoft as a company. As a company standpoinnt he did the right thing. WP7 was a mediocre crap, lacking copy/paste, BT file transfers, no file manager, mediocre email experience, PC sync was a mess especially for exchange stuff.