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Reichsmark The Drakian upper crust- who had spent large amounts of money buying up land that would end up on the new sea shore of Stokers great project- abandoned their new villas and largely left the area in the hands of Nationals and privileged Bondsmen to oversee. Needed Consumer Goods: -5.00%, German (official), African languages (unofficial), General Office for Central African Affairs (Generalbro fr Zentralafrikanische Angelegenheiten). Head of state The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika Some of the finest mercenaries in the world, our soldiers fight in combat zones across the globe in the service of the highest bidder. The Congo River was dammed in order to flood the Congo Basin, with the intent to eventually spill over and flood the Chad Basin, bringing irrigation to the Sahara and shipping lanes into Central Africa. German (official), African languages (unofficial) When, one time, someone showed up with an entire, well-preserved fish eagle, it was extraordinary., Just coming into contact with the water was dangerous. Youd literally get, say, a hundred finches washed ashore in a 50-yard stretch., A songbird Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY, Over the course of about three weeks, Brandt worked with locals to collect some of the most finely-preserved specimens. ; Anti-Hero: He's certainly done a lot to benefit Guinea, but fewer know about the corrupt tactics he used to achieve them, namely offering ludicrous benefits to the military to stave off a coup and silencing criticism against his government. . 100% Adoration Rating: He's widely beloved in Guinea and even beyond that. After a long period of negotiations, the native Malagasy people forged a truce with the Jews to unite against their common German threat. "This is what we call a killer lake," the limnologist, or an expert in freshwater systems, told AFP. It is likely that he will continue to reign for many years to come. It is the 9th largest lake in the world and the third largest lake in Africa by surface area. Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Of course, this also meant that when the man in power in Drakia determined that the state was going to do a project, all reasonable scientific objections and concerns were automatically silenced which was what had happened with theHadrian Plan to dam the Congo River. For a project around circular economy in three countries in Southern Africa TNO identified cultural . In theory, Connie Mulder's restored South African government can count on the loyalty of the Union Defense Forces (UDF). Privacy Statement Advertising Notice For a man whose most distinguishing feature is a burning hatred for Emil Maurice, Erhard Milch sure has a lot in common with the object of his derision. That's because if we take a close look at treaty law, we really don't have much of a claim to fishing in Brazilian waters aside from the power of the Reich. The ghastlyLake Natron, in northern Tanzania, is asalt lakemeaning that water flows in, but doesnt flow out, so it can only escape by evaporation. Which is worse, Burgundy with Drakia technology, or Drakia with Burgundian ideology? Karl Chmielewski is pleased to hear these rumors, believing they will strike fear into the native's hearts. Sustainable societal impact. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Gring tripped and fell while on his trip to Lopoldville , Germans built a dam that made the Congo River make a big lake, the nazis dammed a river to make it that big. American company ContourGlobal, which owns KivuWatt, launched the Lake Kivu venture in 2015 and for a time considered expanding its capacity from 26 to 100 megawatts. The man-made Congo Sea fills in much of the country. Einheitspakt For Httig himself, he prefers to see himself as the only German in Africa who sees the truth: Africa is a continent with an heart of utter darkness; and a fist of damascus steel must crush her subhuman evil. 530. hide. In most other Reichskommissariats, these protests would be answered by a volley of open fire, and then a swift cleanup and denial of any activity against the State whatsoever. Im assuming it has something to do with atlantropa but Im not sure, Scan this QR code to download the app now. His approach to the governance of Zentralafrika is charitably described as "Laissez-faire," and uncharitably described as "Almost total non-involvement": content to let foreign business concerns ravage the Kongo for all it's worth, while Zentralafrika's coffers grow fat with profits from the tolls of shipping. Meanwhile Mller's German men fritter away their tours of duty drinking themselves stupid, hunting anything that moves, humping anything that wears a skirt and gambling away their pay cheques. The lowering of the Mediterannean's sea level and increasing salinity devastated the economies of the surrounding lands, leading to Italy, Turkey, Iberia, and their allies to break away from the Einheitspakt, to form the Triumvirate. tno africa lake 05 Jun. Connie Mulder is a disillusioned man. It was originally a populated, low-lying area but it filled with water . DISCLAIMER: As of the recent update, this article is no longer canon to the story and the mod of TNO. One of these advantages was a willingness to sink large amounts of resources into projects that other nations would have dismissed as boondoggles- like the crude Gods Own Sling space gun. Greater Germanic Reich and Iberian Union Organization of Free Nations Provisional Government of the Congo, More The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki, Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, Polish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Groafrikanischer Reichsstaat (post-SAW if not conquered). Lopoldville The bigger question is why people are unable to ever just search "lake africa" in the subreddit and find the dozens of previously answered threads about the exact same topic. Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika Former camp commandant Karl Chmielewski is a man notorious in the SS for his cruelty and corruption, and he was eventually reassigned to RK Ostafrika as a minor minister. The natives are subservient in every way, with no ability to achieve higher standings. Unlike other German territories, it is considered separate from the Einheitspakt after its formation, and as such, Germany can send support and volunteers if the war in Southern Africa is still going after the end of the German Civil War, and Burgundy can also send support to three African Reichskommissariats but focus more support to Huttig's Ostafrika. Common name German (official), African languages (unofficial) If the Republic emerges victorious, more than a few Malagasay politicians voice their suspicion of Japan's ulterior motives and that they have no real concern for their interests. Reichskommissar Hans Httig 27 comments. To apply for the provincial sole distribution rights, you need to meet . The OFN Mandate over the former territories of RK Ostafrika. The colony is led by Reichskommissar Hans Httig, a former officer of the SS-Totenkopfverbnde and a concentration camp commandant. Holy Cross Lakeview Secondary School near Jinja, Uganda was founded to educate poor boys and girls who had limited access to schools. Completely incompetent at his new job, his many attempts to appease Reichskommissar and later Statthalter Httig all ended with failure. also everyone always asks why big hole in africa and not how is big hole in africa :(. Official name The best thing to do was to minimize the presence of anyone of significance on the sea shore and wait a few years. KivuWatt, which says this is the only project of its kind anywhere in the world, saw an opportunity to tap these abundant gases for energy generation. Performers Established Over time, as water evaporates, it leaves behind high concentrations of salt and other minerals, like at the Dead Sea and Utahs Great Salt Lake. report. look up his wikipedia page.Song: De Profund. The idea for me, instantly, was to take portraits of them as if they were alive., A bat Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY. The only somewhat beneficial endeavor in Atlantropa was the creation of the Congo Lake, which had made Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika a prized colonial possession of Germany. Whilst other elements of the Reich are all too happy to welcome degeneracy into their ranks, we can never lower ourselves to such a disgrace. Karl Chimelewiski was always considered to be below average in all aspects except one: Cruelty. Unlike other African colonies, such as Zentralafrika, Sdwestafrika, and Madagaskar, Ostafrika does not utilize local African Waffen-SS units. Similarly to Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika, RK Zentralafrika is heavily reliant on African SS members to maintain order and prevent revolt. A shutdown was considered but the engineers held their nerve. So are there any in-universe reasons for this not happening in TNO and what would have happened if the Reich had to deal with the same situation? The bigger question is why people are unable to ever just search "lake africa" in the subreddit and find the dozens of previously answered threads about the exact same topic. save. Until someone else pays more, that is. Reichskommissariat Ostafrika In real life, the concept of Atlantropa never got anywhere other than a proposal, due to a combination of factors (one of the more notable ones being the death of the man who came up with the idea. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Draka go well beyond that, from what I can recall of that series, if nothing else, by scale if not magnitude. Behind the devastation of the tsunami came the cloud itself, blanketing coastal areas and asphyxiating tens of thousands of human beings. "Just with KivuWatt alone it will take, I don't know, centuries to have really a reduction of methane in the lake," he said. While they incessantly insist on their "rights" under "international law", we, the Master Race in Afrika, laugh at their pretentions as our companies plunder their waters. On one particular morning, a crowd of protestors surrounded the offices of Reichskommissar Emil Maurice, demanding basic welfare and at least some respect for human rights. and our Its most notable feature however is a gigantic lake in the Northwestern part of the colony. Balkanize Me: Like so many other places in TNO, Italian East Africa can collapse into a large amount of countries. Didn't see this brought up in either of the South Africa diaries-was this another "infrastructure improvement" idea? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The burgeoning air force of the nation is his sole focus, as evident to anyone who ever looked over the Angolan horizon. General Office for Central African Affairs (Generalbro fr Zentralafrikanische Angelegenheiten) The charismatic leader of Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika and the richest of the Reich's three African governors. The situation in post-colonial Central Africa will differ depending on how the victor of the South African War managed the post-war OFN Mandates or Groafrikanischer Reichsstaat: in the former case, whether the mandates successfully transferred power to the natives or collapsed (the African Crisis); in the latter . Ideology The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It was originally a populated, low-lying area but it filled with water due to the Congo river being dammed in an attempt to create a shipping lane throughout the Sahara. Even when he agrees to cooperate with them for a common cause during the South African War, he turns on them and becomes the sole ruler of Nazi Africa during or after the SAW. Under the R.K. Ostafrikan government, people live rigid, militaristic lives. Succeeding his father's position as Baronet of Cape Town, De Villiers Graaff soon entered the ring of South African politics. The waters pH has been measured as high as 10.5nearlyas high as ammonia. In addition to the other Reichskommissare, Httig has little respect for his sleazy and incompotent subordinates. As leader of the United Party, he has tried to maintain a middle path, appeasing Boer nationalists while trying to keep black South Africans from full-on rebellion. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Report Save Follow. Only the most insane of men would attempt to actively insert themselves into the hellish nightmare that was Huttig's Africa. Drakian scientists investigated, identified . Having inherited the throne when he was merely months old, Ngwenyama Sobhuza II of Eswatini is one of the longest reigning monarchs in the history of the world. The lake is around 570km in length and some 75km at its widest point, with one central . Drought and flooding are adding to the problem. Controlling the great Congo Basin and the sprawling plantations surrounding it, and with extensive foreign investment, Zentralafrika controls the vast wealth of German Africa. His planes rule the sub-saharan skies. Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller is one of the Reich's most beloved media darlings: bold, charming and magnetic. Men like Gabriel Ramanantsoa can be found all over Germany's empire: Decent, patriotic, and old enough to have seen their countries pass from one colonial overlord to another. Whats with the huge lake in the Congo? Quelimane ; Hope Bringer: To the rest of West Africa, he's established one of the most . Various versions have been proposed. As Maurice fled the island, and the call for the resistance echoed along the land, Jacques was one of many that simply refused, either by coercion, or by exhaustion from what seemed to be another military dictatorship, this time simply by his own kin. "When the rates of earthquakes and the frequency of . As the ANC's leaders were killed or exiled by Hertzog's regime, the ensuing power struggle for the organization's remnants was won by none other than Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. There's a common misconception . With a vast body of freshwater now sitting right on equatorial territory that had previously been land, rainfall increased massively across central Africa. The engineers aboard the floating power station on Lake Kivu could only watch nervously as the volcano in the distance erupted violently, sending tremors rumbling through the water beneath them. Despite Drakian efforts to clear-cut Congolese timber ahead of the rising waters there were simply too many trees. share. Will you save the world or help destroy it? Despite being a Reichskommissariat, Ostafrika has made several foreign adventures without the go-ahead from Germania, those mostly being coordinated by Httig himself and being mostly of the extralegal sort. Wilhelm Dommes never wanted to be in Afrika, and even now thinks only of how to escape it. Even more so, he was one of the transvaal Boer's most pro-German politicians, staunchly opposing any expansion of American influence into South Africa. To this end, he has embarked on a crusade in the name of all Aryans, to ensure that traitors, incompetents, hedonists, rebels and other degenerates all meet their long-due end: to be on the other end of a rifle barrel, or spend the rest of their pitiful life toiling for the good of the Reich in the concentration camps. Government/party Press J to jump to the feed. German ships fill the various rivers and canals, taking these riches across the continent and to the heart of the Reich itself. Another company is exploring the possibility of launching its own 56-megawatt gas extraction venture on the lake. We are seeking motivated individuals and businesses who are passionate about our product and are committed to delivering excellent customer service. A map of Atlantropa focusing on the Mediterranean Sea After Httig has seized control of the other Reichkommissariats to form his Groafrikanischer Reichstaat, he can even seek refuge with the Free French or join them as a general. The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The carbon dioxide is pumped back into the lake at a precise enough depth to ensure the delicate balance is not upset. To go alongside the big building in neu berlin. However, the increasing pressure of the Nazi Reichskommissariate to the North, and their tacit alliance with the Boer nationalists, will force him to take more radical action, one way or another. Maybe thats what they put slaves towards doing in the early days of the colony, selling off the timber to help pay for the project. so the congo lake is basically one big pool of lacroix is what you're saying. National Socialism Former SS commandant of Auschwitz, his relations with the SS has been able to earn him at least some respect. Generalbur representative for Ostafrika's minority of British colonists and exiles is Clifford Dupont. In parts of the Sahel this was a blessing, but the unprecedented heavy rains killed crops, triggered floods and mudslides, and washed away topsoil. King of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe II was born Constantine Bereng Seeiso, a descendant of Moshoeshoe I, the great founder of the nation. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. If the Reichstaat interferes too much in the Boers' affairs, Hertzog will resign, leaving a power vaccum for the military under Malan to coup the civilian government. If South Africa manages to secure a total victory, they will seize the southernmost parts of the Schild, while the rest is broken up between the, Alternatively, the OFN can opt to form a single, massive state consisting of what South Africa didn't take, known as the Central African Republic. Meme. Atlantropa, also referred to as Panropa, was a gigantic engineering and colonisation idea that was devised by the German architect Herman Srgel in the 1920s, and promoted by him until his death in 1952. After the collapse of Reichstaat, Hertzog will step down under international pressure and will organize democratic elections. The Eritrean Ascari receive lands and pensions when their service ends, and some are even members of the . Both inside and outside Ostafrika, evil minds conspire to put an end to the rightful German rule over Afrika, and the lax rule of foolish administrators only fuels discontent and chaos throughout the German Lebensraum. The hugely expensive project had massive funding issues, due to Germany's economic crisis in the 1950s. The water's pH has been . Terms of Use Josef Mengele is often held up by Germany as proof of the inherent superiority of the Aryan mind. The continuous rule of the United Party has shot down the National Party's plans for apartheid, and gives some vague hope of eventual racial integration, but progress has been slow, and the African National Congress has been launching mass protests to push for equal rights. Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10 | READ MORE. Uh, why is there a big ass lake smack in the middle of Africa, called Viktoria? (Except for the photo on the thumbnail shhhh)Music Sources:All music is from Youtube Audio Li. DISCLAIMER: As of the recent update, this article is no longer canon to the story and the mod of TNO. The Lake Chad replenishment project is a proposed major water diversion scheme to divert water from the Congo River basin to Lake Chad to prevent it drying up. One common theory is that he skins his prisoners to the bone, using their flesh to decorate his furniture. Ideology In reality, Atlantropa was a complete disaster. Only three such lakes exist in the world: Kivu, and Lakes Nyos and Monoun in northwest Cameroon. Reichsmark Currency The remnants of Lake Chad. They thought I was absolutely insanesome crazy white guy, coming along offering money for people to basically go on a treasure hunt around the lake for dead birds, he says. The OFN Mandate over Angola, formerly the northern half of RK Sdwestafrika. One such man was Taffy Williams. Lake Chad has literally gone from being an oasis in the desert, to being just desert. The Congo Lake supports the vast plantations in Zentralafrika and has made it a foreign investment and transportation hub, which has earned Zentralafrika the nickname, the "Heart of Africa". Zentralafrika is a wealthy land populated with foreign investment and mercenaries, and Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller pursues a . Your Privacy Rights Educated at Roma College in Lesotho, from a young age he cooperated closely with the South African government, just as his stepmother, acting as his regent in the wake of his father's death, had before him. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. General Bureau for Central African Affairs. A second wave of lava pushed deep into the earth under the lake itself. R.K. Zentralafrika, Central Africa Once the overseeing commandant of brutal extermination camps during the war, Httig has devoted himself to ruthlessly fulfilling the National Socialist tradition over Ostafrika. Common name This has, however, led to significant instability in Ostafrika, with native resistance movements constantly chipping away at the colonial administrations power and ability. We are not here to build a nation. After the war, the Schild's fate depends on the outcome: What happens when the Reichsstaat collapses, depends on how long it was around for: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Location Reichskommissariat OstafrikaGroafrikanischer Reichsstaat (post-SAW if not conquered) He helped see to the full independence of Eswatini in 1953, and today rules skillfully, aligning his interests with those of South Africa against the Germans. Imagine if, after they expanded multiverse-ally, they discovered BurgSys. Lake Malawi/Lake Nyasa is an African Great Lake - the southernmost lake in the East African Rift system. This made a huge crater where the Congo once was, and over the years it was filled up by the rains down in Africa. Atlantropa, also known as Panropa, was a grand-scale terraforming project to use the Mediterranean Sea and Congo River as hydroelectric energy sources, create new land to settle, and as a way to connect Europe closer to Africa. Thomas H. Moorer's track record of service in the US Navy is perhaps one of the brightest in the institution's long history, doubly so after the failure of the US intervention in the Second World War; a veteran from the Dutch East Indies, his leadership and covert sea strikes heavily crippled the Kriegsmarine and Imperial Navy presence in the Indian Ocean in the waning hours of the Second World War, with only the Pearl Harbor nuking and the surrender of the United States ending what could have been a campaign to permanently cripple their hold on the African Seas. Its most notable feature however is a gigantic lake in the Northwestern part of the colony. While this has given the colony the best-trained forces, it has also given them the least amount of forces available, excluding Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika. Les Collaborateurs: Many ethnic groups in Italian East Africa enjoy special privileges for collaborating with the Italians. Consequently, the deep water began to rapidly carbonate and the degree of CO2 concentration mounted dangerously. Posted at 16:45h in amara telgemeier now by woodlands country club maine membership cost. If triggered, a so-called limnic eruption would cause "a huge explosion of gas from deep waters to the surface" resulting in large waves and a poisonous gas cloud that would put the lives of millions at risk, said Darchambeau, environmental manager at KivuWatt. Despite his deep hatred of his peers in the Generalbur, the official title of the government of Ostafrika, he still lets them live. Finally, on August 23, 1949, an underwater landslide in the southern arm of the sea disturbed waters that simply could not absorb any more carbon dioxide. Out of the 30 million people in the Lake Chad region, 11.3 million have been displaced by the conflict and over 11 million urgently need aid. Atlantropa In the meantime parts of the Congo Sea where natural currents failed to properly circulate the upper and lower layers of the water would continue to experiencelimnic eruptions. Once one of the Reich's most decorated fighting aces, Wolfgang Schenck's administration over Sdwestafrika is wrought by the air. Connecting Africa and Europe, and expanding Europe's land mass via a land bridge would make German ambitions of Lebansraum become a reality, and it was predicted to provide the Reich with more jobs, and food from the African colonies. Reichskommissariat Ostafrika is an autonomous German colony located in Africa. My . The Greater Germanic Reich wanted to force the Italian Empire and Iberian Union to be closer to them and support the German colonies in Africa with the Atlantropa project.